I knew my time in Germany would eventually come to an end, but I wish my last week here wouldn't have gone by so quickly. Classes ended today, and I have my last exam tomorrow morning. I feel like it was just yesterday that I arrived here in the little town of Lüneburg, and I am going to miss it a lot.
Through out my stay here, I feel like I've accomplished many things. Not only has my German improved immensely, but I also feel like I've grown as a person. I am now willing to step outside of my comfort zone more often, especially when it comes to speaking to strangers in German. Although, I do still wish I could have started speaking more confidently from the beginning. I have also mastered various types of public transportation, which I believe is an accomplishment, due to the fact that my first train ride every was the first day I arrived in Germany.
I also met some wonderful people throughout my study abroad experience. I believe I had the best instructor in the entire USAC program. He was always very nice and patient, and I have retained almost all of the information he taught me. He really encouraged everyone in my class to only speak German, which I think helped us all out a lot. We had breakfast in our last class today, and it was really bitter sweet.
My roommates were also very friendly, and made my stay here really comfortable. It is a bit unfortunate, because we only really hung out this past week, and I leave tomorrow, but we had a party since it is our last week all together. I hope to keep in touch with Mereika and Cedric once I go back to the US.
It will be hardest to say goodbye to my friends Kelsey, Stefy, and Hayley. We traveled together on the weekends, and always had so much fun. These girls have become some of my best friends, and I'm going to miss them a lot when I go back home. Luckily, I still will have Susan to keep my company at CMU (:
Although I only have a couple more days left in Germany, I still have ten more days of traveling. Kelsey and I are leaving for Rome tomorrow, and we will be there for four days. We will then fly out of Rome to Dubrovnik, Croatia and spend 5 days there. I'm really excited, and looking forward to my last few days in Europe.
It will be really sad to say goodbye to the people I've formed friendships with, and I will probably be in a terrible mood the entire flight home, but that will vanish when I see my family and boyfriend are at the airport to greet me, and I am really excited to see them. I'm not really sure what to expect when I get home. I'll be happy, but I know the little things that annoyed me about Germany, I'll miss as soon as I'm back in the US.
Susan, Cedric, Mereika, and me |
Hayley, Stefy, Susan, Kelsey, and me |
Lüneburg city center |
Lüneburg Rathaus |